Chaos Radio

Chaos Radio is a podcast that I helped start and currently executive produce, edit, and mix. I’m super proud of this project and the whole team!

Here’s more about the podcast:

Camp Chaos has begun: 80 artists have 8 weeks to become 1 headless band called Chaos. Their output? 21,000 unique art pieces.

Birthed from the Discord servers at Songcamp, Camps are songwriting + web3 hackathons. Each camp takes a group of curated artists through an immersive journey of play and experimentation at the edges of music + the new internet. Camp Chaos, the third iteration of this Immersive Digital Theatre, is an experiment in collective creation amongst a rambunctious group of musicians, designers, storytellers, engineers and operatives.CHAOS RADIO is telling the story of this camp as it unfolds in real-time. So come join us backstage as we watch 80 individuals become Chaos!

Will we find harmony? Or will chaos consume us?

Let’s find out together.


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